#08: Who’s sniffing our cheese?

Back in 1998, Dr. Spenser Johnson wrote ‘Who Moved My Cheese?’. At just 92 pages you can read this book in a couple of hours. And if you haven’t, you probably should.

It’s a parable about the inevitability of change. Cheese represents the thing you want. Of course, no source of cheese lasts forever. That’s the inevitable change. Johnson’s book explores how people can anticipate and respond to change (using mice and ‘little people’ as the characters!).

Without a doubt, we are living in a time of massive and accelerating change.

There’s no room for complacency.

As a leader, it’s our responsibility to anticipate and respond to whatever those changes are.

So, you might want to start asking yourself …

‘Where are things heading?’

‘What happens if ________________?’

And this is a biggie …

‘How might our industry be disrupted?

Because as sure as mice like peanut butter, someone is sniffing your cheese!