#23: What treasures are hiding in my blind spot?

By definition, there’s no way you can see what’s in your blindspot …

Just like it’s literally impossible to see your face with your own eyes.

You’ve noticed this right?

Of course, I can hear the critics already …

“That’s not true, I see my face every time I look in the mirror”

Well, duh!

But … you’re not seeing your face … you’re seeing a reflection … an outside perspective.

Lucky for these critics, I’m not here to talk about vanity though … today, it’s all about business, because in business, we ALL have blind spots.

You. Me. Your clients. And, yes, even your competitors.

It doesn’t matter how much we study, or how hard we work, or how much experience we have …

We have ‘em. And they can either be a curse … or if you’re fortunate, a blessing.

Maybe you’ve heard about a classic business parable by Russell Conwell titled “Acres of Diamonds’ written in 1968, and presented as a speech over 6,000 times!

In case you haven’t, ‘Acres of Diamonds’ is about a man named Ali who sold his farm searching for diamonds … only to have the purchaser discover diamonds right on Ali’s old property. Ouch!

Having an outsider perspective allowed him to see what was right in front of Ali … but was ‘just out of sight’ if you know what I mean …

So let me ask you, how are you ensuring this never happens to you?

Who’s helping you see the treasure and opportunity hiding ‘on your face’? (And don’t forget the hidden dangers too)

Who’s holding the mirror up to your business blindspots?