#02: How to treat our customers to make them do business with us?

If your product or service is good people might tell others about it.

BUT they will be way more likely to want to spread the word if choosing to do business with you makes them look good.

Because, when people feel like they’ve made a smart decision, they can’t wait to tell anyone that will listen (right?).

So, if you want to multiply your word-of-mouth marketing results, take the focus off making yourself look good.

Instead, figure out what you can do to make your customers feel smart for choosing to do business with you.


A dentist might do a good job of filling your teeth. But that’s not something you’re going to tell anyone about – is it?

But, if you received a premium pack of tooth-friendly gum in the mail along with a personal note from your dentist the day after your visit, you’d probably tell everyone that would listen about your experience – right?

Why? Because you get to tell a story that makes you look smart for choosing such a great dentist.

So, it’s over to you …

How could you give your customers ‘bragging rights’ for choosing to do business with you?