#28: How are we treating our best customers differently?

You get to define what a ‘best customer’ is here, but the fact is, all customers aren’t created equal.

Some spend more.

Some are more profitable.

Some are more loyal.

Some refer more.

Some give you fewer headaches.

You get the point.

So, do an 80/20 analysis of your database to identify your best customers.

You need to identify them, because losing one of these ‘20%’ customers would have a disproportionately adverse effect on your business when compared to losing an ‘80%’ customer.  

Once identified, you should create a customer retention strategy to ensure that you don’t lose these particular customers UNDER ANY AVOIDABLE CIRCUMSTANCE.

Do whatever it takes. Give them more attention. Prioritize their needs. Communicate with them more often.

Now, for what should be obvious reasons, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you should explicitly tell a best customer they are a best customer.

In fact, it might be better that they assume that the treatment they get is how you treat all of your customers.

But it isn’t. Because if you’re doing it right, it simply can’t be.