#39: Have we done a premortem on this?

As ambitious CEOs, we’re always looking to the future and saying “What if”?

If we weren’t, we’d have no right sitting in the driver’s seat.

And when we’re imagining ‘What if?’ – we’re thinking of all the great possibilities, not the potential downfalls.

See, it’s nearly impossible being an innovator while being pessimistic – it’d be like drag racing with your foot on the brake.

However, unrestrained optimism has a downside …

We can often become so entrenched in our ideas, strategies, and initiatives that we unconsciously overlook potential roadblocks.

Now, this isn’t to say we should start thinking of all the roadblocks while brainstorming.

No, but I am suggesting that once an idea is solidified, and a strategy is in place …

You and your team perform a premortem.

We all know what a postmortem is, and this is the opposite. This is done before the event, not after.

Prior to launching your next project, you simply pretend that it’s a future date and that your project has failed and now the team must identify why.

This way, the team can then safely identify and solve these potential roadblocks before they occur – without – restricting the free-flowing creativity necessary for innovation.

As mega investor/businessman Warren Buffett has said, “We always start from a position of fear and then reverse engineer”

Well said Mr. Buffett  – we couldn’t agree more.

At the end of the day, you’ve got to make sure your backside is always protected.