Category: Vision
#48: How’s our latest app development coming along?
Your existing customers and the customers you want to have ‘all’ have a smartphone. So, unless you can think of a reason why you wouldn’t want your brand on your customer’s home screen, you should probably have an app. So, how’s your latest app development coming along? Because right now, an app is the shortest…
#46: Am I being way too reasonable with people?
‘The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.’ I’m quoting George Bernard Shaw. And thinking about Steve Jobs. He had a reputation for being unreasonable. (As do many super successful CEOs.) Jobs simply wouldn’t accept the word…
#45: Should I still be interfering?
Founding CEOs are not the same as professional CEOs. This question is for founding CEOs. That’s you – the guy or gal that had a great idea for a product or service and then through sheer will power and determination brought it to life. In the early days, it literally was your job to interfere…
#37: Are we thinking enough moves ahead?
The rate of change is accelerating. The futurist and Google’s director of engineering, Professor Ray Kurzweil has predicted that in the 21st century, technological advancement will move forward not by 100 years but by 20,000 years. And his predictions about technological advancement have been quite accurate so far – he’s had an 86% success rate!…
#34: If it’s NOT CEO … what should my title be?
Okay, so you are the Chief Executive Officer. In certain situations that might be the most appropriate way to introduce yourself. And maybe that title ‘technically’ describes what you ARE. But does it really tell anyone that counts what you DO? Probably not. Particularly if the people that really count are the people you’re leading.…