Category: Strategy
#28: How are we treating our best customers differently?
You get to define what a ‘best customer’ is here, but the fact is, all customers aren’t created equal. Some spend more. Some are more profitable. Some are more loyal. Some refer more. Some give you fewer headaches. You get the point. So, do an 80/20 analysis of your database to identify your best customers.…
#26: Are we too focused on mastering ‘the game’ instead of writing a new rule book?
A few years ago whilst traveling through Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris I saw a billboard ad for BNP Paribas bank that really struck me. It was one sentence in a giant white font on a green background (as you can see, it made quite an impression on me!). It simply said … “By the time you master the game the rules have changed.” I stood for a moment looking at the poster. And then spent most of my flight reflecting…
#25: Are we really that different?
Customers have no lack of choice nowadays. That’s why you need a Unique Selling Proposition. (Yawn – I know, you’ve heard about USP a thousand times before but stick with me here for 20 seconds.) As you know, the purpose of a USP is to clearly answers the question every customer has on their mind…
#16: What’s the potential downside?
As CEO, all of the big decisions land at your feet. Business is just one big decision-making game. Making fast, accurate decisions is just part of the job description. Which is why it’s important to refine your decision-making ability. The starting point is to accept that it’s impossible to get every decision right. The billionaire…
#12: What could we achieve if we allowed ourselves to imagine failure?
Steve Jobs once said … ‘You can’t connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backwards.’ True that. With hindsight, everyone can tell you what should have been done. So if you had it, every plan would work out – right? So, give this rear-view mirror technique a try when you’re working…