Category: Strategy
#48: How’s our latest app development coming along?
Your existing customers and the customers you want to have ‘all’ have a smartphone. So, unless you can think of a reason why you wouldn’t want your brand on your customer’s home screen, you should probably have an app. So, how’s your latest app development coming along? Because right now, an app is the shortest…
#47: How many Core Value stories did we collect today?
You’ve identified your Core Values, right? Meaning, you’ve (collectively, of course!) taken the time out to agree on the guiding principles and fundamental beliefs that determine the way your ‘employee community’ should be thinking and acting on the journey towards achieving the company’s vision. Done right, your Core Values will go beyond a company declaration…
#37: Are we thinking enough moves ahead?
The rate of change is accelerating. The futurist and Google’s director of engineering, Professor Ray Kurzweil has predicted that in the 21st century, technological advancement will move forward not by 100 years but by 20,000 years. And his predictions about technological advancement have been quite accurate so far – he’s had an 86% success rate!…
#35: Are we complexifying this problem?
“If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions.” So said Einstein. Who apparently knew a thing or two about problem-solving. When working with businesses, we often see complexificated (yep, I made that one up) solutions to relatively simple problems, because…
#32: What would happen if I joined the Red Team?
One of the best ways for the military, business strategy teams, and IT Departments to highlight potential threats is by playing war games. If you’re not familiar with war games, the players are split into 2 teams, simply called Red Team and Blue Team. (And Purple Teams for when they cooperate side by side) Once…