Category: Strategy
The Keys to Reducing Operating Costs
Whether you’re short on cash, anticipating demand reduction, or predicting future hardships, it’s never the wrong time to consider augmenting your operating costs. Another more positive scenario, things are going well at your Company, how could you improve profitability even more? In the best of times, it’s easy for slippage to occur, and expenses creep up as…
The Owner’s Trap – Take the Time You Need
The most powerful thing about being a business owner or CEO is realizing your ambitions, and turning your vision into being an operational reality. At the end of the day, the buck stops with you. But this driver, this motivator, has its drawbacks – the Owner’s Trap, specifically. How many times have you been on the…
Grow Your Business with a Feedback Mindset
One of the strongest skills you can develop as a CEO is how to handle criticism and feedback from your team. Navigating this obstacle to growth makes up a significant portion of my time when I open up relationships with businesses. In many cases, CEOs surround themselves with strong coworkers, advisors, and employees. But if you don’t…
Arrive at Your Destination in Three Easy Steps
In my August episode of the Bold Moves Webinar Series, I discussed money in terms of how it translates into a flight plan. Regardless of where you’re at in business, you need the funds to implement plans and the money in your household to do what you want, when you want. We call this freedom. Starting…
The Impact of a Core Value-Driven Flight Plan
Navigating a fierce industry or marketplace, where each CEO is as hungry as the last, can seem overwhelming. But as I’ve learned, hunger for success does not always equal readiness for flight. To really get things done, you need clear objectives, focused confidence, and flawless teamwork. Intentionally setting the right core values and then actively developing…