Category: Leadership
#42: How am I going to infect my whole organization today?
As you read this, what mood are you in, right now? It’s important to constantly reflect on your mood because moods are contagious. Like the common cold virus, you can literally infect others with your mood – social scientists even have a name for this phenomenon. They call it Emotional Contagion. And as CEO you…
#41: Which overdue decision am I going to make today?
There’s a decision you’ve been putting off for some time now. Am I right? I’m usually on the money when I ask that question by the way. There’s someone that should have been let go … A project that should have been killed off … A client that needs to be fired. In our role…
#40: Am I still the smartest person in the room?
Whether you’re the founder of your company or have climbed the ranks to become CEO, you’ve no doubt had to overcome challenge after challenge, and … … acquired a huge amount of experience, resiliency, and skills in the process. Of course, now that you’ve reached this elite level, it’s not uncommon to feel that others…
#37: Are we thinking enough moves ahead?
The rate of change is accelerating. The futurist and Google’s director of engineering, Professor Ray Kurzweil has predicted that in the 21st century, technological advancement will move forward not by 100 years but by 20,000 years. And his predictions about technological advancement have been quite accurate so far – he’s had an 86% success rate!…
#34: If it’s NOT CEO … what should my title be?
Okay, so you are the Chief Executive Officer. In certain situations that might be the most appropriate way to introduce yourself. And maybe that title ‘technically’ describes what you ARE. But does it really tell anyone that counts what you DO? Probably not. Particularly if the people that really count are the people you’re leading.…