Category: Leadership
Competing with Larger Companies
As a private business owner, competing against larger companies with deeper pockets and more resources can be daunting. However, with the right strategies in place, we outshine our larger counterparts. Here are some ways that private businesses level the playing field to successfully compete with larger companies: Focus on a Niche Market to be the…
Redefine Your Workplace With a “Speak-Up” Culture
As I’ve been reviewing some of my inspiration as a writer in response to my book, The Growth CFO Void exceeding my expectations and bringing value to the lives of countless business owners, I started to reflect on some of the literary inspiration that taught me to lead well, think boldly, and develop the Growth…
Invest in Your Team!
Locating, hiring, and retaining excellent team members has become more complex than ever since 2020 and Covid. A great team is critical to your company’s success. Don’t miss these steps to make sure you’re leveraging the best talent. Numerous factors dictated this change, not that it was simple in the first place. So what makes…
The Owner’s Trap – Take the Time You Need
Change is constant in business, right now there are lots of moving pieces that will impact 2023. Smart leaders separate themselves from the pack by reevaluating their goals, team, and mindset on a quarterly basis to adjust to changing dynamics across the industry. Whether internal or external, plenty of factors can force you to change…
Grow Your Business with a Feedback Mindset
More importantly, what is your role in it? It’s easy to be in the driver’s seat and perceive the industry around you from your unique angle. But “reputation” doesn’t hinge on your goals, your obstacles to growth, and your ambitions alone. In many cases, it comes down to the public opinion of your field. And…