Whether you’re the founder of your company or have climbed the ranks to become CEO, you’ve no doubt had to overcome challenge after challenge, and …
… acquired a huge amount of experience, resiliency, and skills in the process.
Of course, now that you’ve reached this elite level, it’s not uncommon to feel that others are still catching up, or not pulling their weight.
Sure, this may feel better than the feeling of frustration experienced on your way up, but …
If you currently feel like you’re the smartest person in the room …
It’s essential that you find a ‘new room’ A.S.A.P.
Because without someone inspiring you to greater heights, you risk becoming complacent and resting on your laurels.
And let’s not forget, the world is changing at an ever-increasing speed and it’s damn near impossible for any of us to keep up by ourselves.
However, when you surround yourself with those that are smarter (in their unique ways), you not only get to glean their insights … you get to share yours as well.
This way, you each greatly increase your chances of identifying the hidden dangers and opportunities coming down the line.
You know they’re right around the corner, right?
I know you may be used to having ‘all the answers’ in your business, but let’s be honest … ‘Heavy is the head that wears the crown’.