If you wanted to build a $100,000,000 business in 10 years then the value of every hour you personally put into the business today would need to be worth $5,000.
Day after day.
If the business paid you $100,000 per year today, then that would be around 100 X more than you are actually earning per hour right now.
Do you see where I’m going with this?
A five bucks an hour person thinks differently than a 50 bucks an hour person.
So wouldn’t a $5,000 an hour person think differently than a $50 an hour person?
Of course.
That CEO titan you admire so much was doing $5,000 ($10,000 or more!) per hour work from the day they started out in their garage.
So, if you’re a $5,000 per hour person …
How will you create that kind of value in your next hour?
Use your imagination.
(That’s a ‘hint’ by the way.)